Plus size wedding dresses
27 models We’ve compiled a selection of dresses larger than 42EU size and those we believe will fit plus-size brides nicely. Along with classics, we offer boho designs, suits and other silhouettes
Mary Trufel Alterations Shop offers a whole range services, such as hemming the bride's gown and modifying the length of the groom's trousers
If you haven’t found the right gown, or you’re not satisfied with the price, visiting the shop might become the solution for you. We will definitely find the dress of your dreams.
Princess silhouette dresses fit practically every bride. They visually correct the figure, accentuate the waist and downplay roundness of the hips
The fitting lasts an two hours. We select the gowns together with the bride, setting them on a separate rack right away. It usually takes two dresses to decide which silhouette and fabric is right for you
We’ll give you options for shoes, jewellery and a bridal veil
We try on all of the dresses before recommending them